Performance Management for Managers
BOSS Leadership Training
Course Description
Everybody hates performance reviews, but you need them for a variety of reasons. Regardless of your format, rating scale, or technology. We’re going to hit on what matters most at every organization - the quality of feedback provided by the manager as the key to a meaningful performance conversation with any employee.
We believe the keys to driving performance include the definition of the area being rated, how it’s measured, the difference between good vs. great performance, as well as what’s in it for the employee if they provide maximum effort. If your manager can deliver meaningful feedback and dialog in these areas, you win, regardless of the system or process you use.
Alternative title if you want to have more fun: Good to Great (because the best managers don’t focus on a number, they focus on helping their employees become top performers and realize their career goals).

Great Managers Know Performance is More Than a Rating
Yeah, there’s a number and/or a rating. But world-class managers focus on becoming a career agent for their direct reports, helping them get to the next level. Tactics we teach include:

Always be contrasting “good” vs “great” performance on a daily basis. Just making the buses run on time isn’t crushing it, and we teach managers to be fearless with feedback before it’s review time.
The '+1.'
Great developers of talent use balanced feedback: reinforcing what an employee does well while always providing one thing they can add to take it to the next level.
Conversation is Key
Delivering performance feedback needs to sound like a conversation. Rely too much on a form, and you’re toast. We teach managers to write and deliver reviews conversationally.
5 Ways Your Managers Will Grow from This Course.
1. Understanding the importance of people development – We’ll use the existing research to lay out a case for managers to think about performance management from a developmental perspective.
2. A 'Good to Great' Perspective on Performance – Regardless of your system and technology, we help managers give performance feedback with “good to great” in mind, which turns the conversation towards development.
3. Formulas for writing great performance reviews – Following our 'Good to Great' methodology, we teach managers some simple (yet powerful) formulas for writing items within an employee’s performance review. This strategy is all about giving credit for good work and talking about what’s next.
4. Understanding employee personas and how to deal with them in performance reviews – Not all employees come to the table looking to partner with your managers during the review process. We’ll train your managers on how to spot specific problematic personas and navigate accordingly.
5. Best practices in delivering the live performance review – Life is a stage and so is delivering a performance review. Regardless of your process, we teach managers how to introduce, transition, and close performance reviews like the coach they are – not a robot checking something off a list.
Thousands of managers of people have been through the BOSS Leadership Series. We learn from every engagement and our materials evolve over time. Engagement studies show the impact of a manager focused on development via performance feedback is key. Get a sense of our approach by clicking on the materials below: